We had to pay extra for our excess baggage (= our bags and suitcases that weighed more than was allowed). 我們必須為超重的行李額外付款。 也請參見. luggage.
Baggage在學英文_ Suitcase、Baggage 和Luggage 的差別 - FUNDAY的討論與評價
✓ baggage:指的是廣義的「行李」,可能是行李箱(suitcase)、後背包(backpack)、手提袋(handbag),或是筆電、樂器、高爾夫球具、一箱泡麵。 機場的「行李 ...
Baggage在baggage - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果的討論與評價
baggage · 查看更多. KK[ˋbægɪdʒ]; DJ[ˋbægidʒ]. 美式. n. 【主美】行李[U];(軍隊的)輜重;(探險隊的)裝備[U]. Dr.eye 譯典通 · baggage.
Baggage在在機場領行李,不要問人"Where can I find my luggage?的討論與評價
機場的行李提領區,英文就叫做baggage claim,就是從這層意思來的,我們去取行李,其實把屬於自己的東西拿回來。 廣告. 再來看一個例句 ...
Baggage在Bags − Travel information - American Airlines的討論與評價
Bag delivery service. Bypass baggage claim. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure on your next trip, let us bring your bags to you.
Baggage在Crash Baggage - PChome 24h購物的討論與評價
Crash Baggage. ‧台北巿6小時到貨(試營運); ‧全台灣24小時到貨,遲到給100; ‧非北北基22:00~12:00間下單、離島、資訊不完整、 安裝商品、ATM或7-11 ibon付款者等不在 ...
Baggage在【旅行好實用】旅行一定要帶的「行李」 各種說法的討論與評價
baggage 跟luggage最大的差別是英式、美式的用法,美式英文習慣用baggage,而英式英文則習慣使用luggage。 除此之外,baggage跟luggage都是「不可數名詞」 ...
Baggage在Information on Checked and Carry-on Bags | United Airlines的討論與評價
Baggage liability. Special items. Keep in mind there are special policies if you're traveling with the following: Items for infants and ...
Baggage在Excess Baggage | China Airlines的討論與評價
Before checking in, please check the quantities of allowed carry-on baggage and checked baggage and the related baggage regulations.
Baggage在Checked Baggage - Southwest Airlines的討論與評價
Baggage Allowance. Southwest allows two (2) checked pieces of baggage per ticketed Customer. Size and weight limitations apply. Excess Baggage. Each ...